Going Eco doesn't have to be in big investments. You can contribute to your Wealth, health and well-being through smaller sustainable products...

There's a pre-conception that 'going green' bumps the price up on products; with sustainable goodies being more expensive, or lacking quality.
What if I told you that you don't need to forfeit either?
I've put together a list of our most loved eco-friendly products - trust me, your bathroom will love you as much as ours!
Eco-Cleaning Products
Eco cleaning products can vary between sustainable packaging, to environmentally safe chemicals. When we say environment, it also means our environment. Eco-friendly cleaning does less harm to your health.
If that isn't enough to sway you, lets add in the money savings that sustainable companies can provide.... sounds too good to be true huh?
When researching how we could create a more eco bathroom, cleaning was a big win. Though this blog delves into eco-bathrooms, cleaning can help you with an entire house, so we thought we'd throw that one in first.
Product 1 : Purdy & Figg
We discovered Purdy & Figg accidentally. Once trying it, we were sold by the scent and freshness that the counter cleaner had to offer, and have been stocking up on it since!
So what does it have to offer?
This UK made cleaner gives you a re-fillable bottle for life. I have to say, out of the sustainable cleaners we've tried, this bottle is the highest quality, durable feeling product we've received. (I can't believe I'm commenting on a bottle, but there's a first for everything!)
Though re-fills are standard practice for sustainable cleaning brands, the oils you purchase (to mix with water) are the most fragrant, fresh and (most importantly) cleaner friendly. I wouldn't have swapped out my trusted Flash if it wasn't doing the job.
The brand now offer bathroom products along-side their original counter cleaner scents. All of which are better for your health and home - so no harsh chemicals!
Interested? We have a full product video here,
You can also get % off at checkout using this link. *aPlease don't worry, we wouldn't offer this link if we didn't use it ourself. This blog is not sponsored however by purchasing using our discount, we may receive slight commission.

Sustainable Towels
You may have purchased an eco towel option without even knowing it. With the recent push for recycled materials, I've noticed the amount of large home retailers (even Primark!) offering these sustainable alternatives without the large price tags. That being said, what have been our favourites?
Product 2: Dock and Bay Quick Dry Towels
Dock and Bay offer 100% recycled, quick dry towels (what we have!), as well as pet towels, hair wraps, makeup removers... you name it!
Though we haven't tried all of the Dock & Bay range, they all have the same ethos - planet friendly goodness - and provide the quick dry benefits.
What do we think?
The towels we own are the best quality. We expected this when they arrived in their own premium 'keep sake' bags, which I believe are for those who want to use them as a beach towel, or for the gym. If you're after a quick dry, affordable towel, this is the jackpot!
That being said, quick dry aren't for all. If you're after the fluffy, softer option, we have you covered....

Product 3: Bamboo Towel
If you're like me, you'll reach for the fluffy and warm towel. We found the perfect fit! Bamboo is a eco material you'll see as a common theme through-out many of our products, and I recently discovered bamboo can be used to create that softest towel options. Of course I had to try it!
We bought two aesthetic beige, bamboo towels from Dunelm (super affordable), although there are an abundance of companies that offer more premium options. Soft clay Bamboo towels coming right up... here.
Go Green ... Literally
Plants. Hear me out...
Our audience across our social platforms were split 50/50 as to whether plants belong in the bathroom; a lot commenting on the upkeep of house plants and the convenience of 'faux' flowers.
I personally am not great at keeping plants alive. For me it has always been the fake kind that gather a bit of dust and can be swapped out. However, we were swayed by some plants that didn't need much love.. just minimal attention.
Product 4: Foli8
Foli8 offer indoor plants that suit all needs, situations and living schedules. We stumbled across a variety of plants that suited my 'forget to feed' abilities but also added the health benefits for our home.
1) Spider plant - Can thrive in any condition, in doors or outdoors and is ideal for hanging. They are widely known for cleaning indoor air by absorbing harmful chemicals. They are ideal for frequently inconsistent watering too, so are ideal for new plant parents.
2) 'Happy Bean' - My favourite by far! A small, 'window-sill' plant that thrives off humidity. It is non-toxic, which simply means it's ideal for those with allergies.
3) 'Benjamina' : A larger plant that thrives in wet and warm places.. i.e my bathroom. It needs alittle more upkeep but is beautiful!

Bamboo.. everything?
I told you that bamboo would be a common theme. If you're a lover of the light coloured wood accessories, bamboo is a great place to start..
Small, cheaper items can still be sustainable, and as this section revealed, bamboo is the popular choice. Many high street home departments now offer bamboo selections, however we've linked a few of our favourites, as seen in our bathroom transformation.
Products 5, 6, 7 & 8..
1) Soap Dish - must have, right?
2) Tooth brushes - We had toothbrushes from both Amazon (cheaper) and Truthbrush.
3) Toothbrush holder - Both for electric heads and standard toothbrushes
Bamboo alternative? We found some coconut scourers that (though they look hard) are surprisingly soft. They have lasted amazingly and add that luxe aesthetic we all want. see them as featured on instagram.. though resting nicely on our window-sill.

Toothpaste Alternative
Toothpaste is that monthly shop kind of thing. Something none of us can live without (preferably) and is used daily. 'Tell me something I don't know'. Toothpaste has a new contender.. and it's eco.
We got our hands on some toothpaste tablets to try. No mess, No hassle, Last much longer! They dissolve into a toothpastey consistency in your mouth and come in a variety of tastes. I have to say, they're outside the 'norm', but talk about a market disrupter!
Product 9: Geo Organics Toothpaste
I've told you about it, so why not try it? This brand is all about a 'No waste toothpaste' - and let me add, we're not sponsored or gaining from this at all. We just want to make eco available to our reader...
Let us talk SOAP
Soap. Another thing you use daily but doesn't need an ounce of thought. But let me ask you this, liquid soap or a good old-fashioned bar?
Since our bathroom reno, I've tried to keep everything in my bathroom as lavish as possible, affordably. I love a clean, fragrant, and fresh room... and this includes a nice smelling soap.
We are all aware of the hype behind Lush. Though I did a large soap and shower order when we moved in, I never even considered the eco and sustainable aspects behind the brand.
Product 10: Highland soap company
Wait a minute? I thought we were talking about lush.
Well, after wanting a more 'mature' scent to compliment our space - you know, like the hotels? I found Highland Soap company, originally treating myself to the wild nettle soap bar. Since then, I've discovered a range of re-fillable liquid soaps and more. All for a reasonable price that I don't mind paying out every month or so when we need to stock up.
So, is it worth the hype?
Yes. Having a collection of a eco-friendly products makes me feel better. But for those who aren't looking to go green just for the pat on the back, I make sure to find products that have the added benefit of being eco. This means they offer benefits to our homes besides being made sustainably.
With products like this, it makes it easier, more worthwhile and convenient for more of us to buy eco. We can conveniently help the plant, our health and our homes, without compromise of a hefty price tag. There's nothing not to love!
We'd love to hear if you try any of our much loved goodies linked above, or if you have discovered any eco wonders worth sharing!